Volunteers Needed for 2019 HBA Remodeling EXPO

Are you looking for more ways to get involved with the HBA? A perfect way to give back, meet new people, and have FUN is volunteering to help out at our trade shows. The Remodeling EXPO this year is September 20-22, and we are looking for volunteers for Saturday and Sunday. We need ticket sellers, ticket takers, golf cart drivers, and information desk assistants. Click here to view our volunteer needs or to sign-up. Time slots are in one hour increments, but we greatly appreciate any time that you can give!

HBA Members who volunteer receive one membership participation point, or two points for working on Sunday or driving the vendor golf cart. You want to start building up those points, because 2021 is the next year that we shuffle booth spaces for the Remodeling EXPO and 2022 for the Home Show!