Housing stimulus legislation has passed in the House and is moving toward final Senate action. The Senate housing package is moving forward as an amendment to the House bill and is best recognized in the Senate as the Senate Substitute to HR 3221.

Please take a moment to call your senators and congressmen (CLICK ON “READ MORE” FOR INSTRUCTIONS ABOUT HOW TO CALL WASHINGTON FREE OF CHARGE) and tell them of the experiences you, your family, neighbors and friends have faced as a result of the downturn in the housing industry. Tell them about the record number of foreclosures, sluggish sales, and depressed home prices. Tell them about lost home equity and the impact it’s having on consumer confidence and the overall economy. Let them know about the tough decisions you’ve had to make as an employer, like laying off loyal workers or family members, to keep your business afloat. Let your personal story inspire Congress to act. Click here to send a letter to your Senator/Congressman through NAHB’s BuilderLink website.

Please take a moment to call the NAHB Legislative Hotline, at 1-866-924-NAHB (6242), and get connected, free-of-charge, to Capitol Hill. 1. When you call the NAHB Legislative Hotline, you will hear a brief message. You will be asked to enter your zip code, and then you will be connected to your lawmaker’s office. 2. Important: Please stay on the line between calls as the system works to patch you through to each of your senators’ and representative’s offices. 3. Tell them who you are, where you are calling from and your connection to the housing industry (legislative offices want to know they are talking to constituents). 4. Inform them that you are calling on behalf of the National Association of Home Builders. Tell them how you’ve been impacted by the downturn in the housing economy and ask them to move quickly to pass housing stimulus legislation before the Fourth of July holiday.