Better Business Bureau (BBB) Contact for Information or Accreditation

If you are an accredited business contact the following:

Kim McAdoo  Retention & Business Development

Tel: 417-337-9269

Fax: 417-869-5544

Email:  Start with Trust ®

Better Business Bureau  Serving Eastern and Southwest Missouri & Southern Illinois

2754 S. Campbell Ave

Springfield, MO 65807

If you are interested in becoming accredited contact:

Stephanie Garland  Regional Director

Tel: 417-380-5074

Fax: 417-869-5544

Email:  Start with Trust ®

Better Business Bureau  

Serving Eastern and Southwest Missouri & Southern Illinois

2754 S. Campbell Ave

Springfield, MO 65807


Your Better Business Bureau is a nonprofit and watchdog agency dedicated to preventing people from becoming victims to scams. We work closely with FBI, Missouri Secretary of State, Missouri Attorney General, etc to address what we are seeing in this area and how we can help those who are already victims. If you or someone you know is a victim to scams, you can report what happened on our free Scam Tracker